Onion Brain

What is the “Onion Brain”?

“The views expressed here do not necessarily represent the unanimous view of all parts of my mind.” — Malcolm McMahon, bishop of Nottingham

Key Ideas:

  • To understand human behavior, it’s important to understand the brain. Think of the Brain as an Onion:

    • At the core is the hindbrain. It’s essentially responsible for keeping you alive, sending all the necessary signals for you to do what you need to survive.
    • Above the hindbrain is the midbrain, responsible for processing sensory data, emotion, memory and Pattern Matching. The midbrain is constantly predicting what will happen next.
    • Above the midbrain is the forebrain., responsible for self-awareness, logic, etc. Basically everything that makes us distinctly human.
  • One of the best things you can do to get more done is to dissociate yourself from the voice in your head. The voice isn’t always right, it just likes to highlight things around you.
  • Meditation is a simple practice that can help you separate “you” from the voice in your head. Nothing mystical, just breathe and watch what your mind does. It will eventually get quieter.

Questions for Consideration:

  • What is the radio announcer in your head saying?
  • What happens when you take time to quiet your mind and simply watch what happens?